Synthetic Oil vs. Conventional Oil

Adding oil to engine

The service team at Greg Hubler Ford is always happy to answer questions from our Muncie customers, and one common question we get is, “What is the difference between synthetic vs. conventional oil?” Here we compare synthetic vs. regular oil and full synthetic oil vs. synthetic blend, so you know which kind to buy from our parts store near New Castle. Reach out to our service team if you need assistance, or you can make a service appointment online.



What is Conventional (Regular) Oil?

Conventional oil, sometimes referred to as regular or standard oil, is a petroleum-based fluid used in combustion engines for decades. You can think of it as the lifeblood of your engine, and its primary role is to provide lubrication to your engine’s moving parts and minimize engine wear during your drives around Indianapolis and beyond. Engine oil is distilled from crude oil in the Earth, and it protects your engine from getting too hot.

What is Synthetic Oil?

When deciding between synthetic oil vs. conventional oil, you should know that both types of oil are distilled, come from the ground, and are petroleum-based. Still, synthetic motor oil provides better lubrication and is much more stable than conventional engine oil. When comparing synthetic vs. regular, you’ll see that synthetic oils oxidize less quickly and include these enhanced protective properties:

  • Offer improved engine cleaning properties
  • Are less dense at lower temperatures
  • Better protects critical turbocharger engine parts

Full Synthetic Oil vs. Synthetic Blend

Along with regular and synthetic oil varieties, synthetic blends are available for your Yorktown drives. Synthetic blends are more affordable than full synthetic oil but still provide some enhanced properties. How do you know if you need synthetic oil vs. regular oil in your new Ford F-150? You should find the type right for your make and model in your owner’s manual. You can also ask the service advisors at Greg Hubler Ford.

Schedule Your Next Oil Change at Greg Hubler Ford!

Greg Hubler Ford is pleased to be of service and answer your questions. We’re here for you to help with whatever you need, from new tires to a battery replacement! Please check out our service specials to see if you can save some money on your next service appointment. We look forest to assisting you.


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6400 West Hometown Boulevard, Muncie, IN, 47304
Greg Hubler Ford 40.218883, -085.363160.